April 2, 2016

Life of an Irregular Student

(Photo from Unsplash)

Ahh, the thought of being a college student. When I was in my senior year & graduation is just around the corner, I remember how I excited I am to finally leave my alma mater whilst some of my batchmates were already talking about how exhilarated they are for attending their dream colleges or universities. But me? I was excited for the season of summer. Don't get me wrong, though, I guess I felt a little bit amount of excitement by the thought of being a college student; new school, new people to meet, new places to hangout, new stationery to buy (lol) & etc. I have to admit that I was a total noob in my first term of being a college student. Heck, I didn't even know there's a 'regular' & 'irregular' labels in college.
I'm not really going to talk about my irregular college life because I know it'll bore you to death so I made a list instead! A list that I know all of us, irregular-beautiful-and-handsome-college-students can relate to:

  1. Hawak mo oras mo. (You manage your time)
  2. You're in charge of your (subject) schedules.
  3. Looooong breaks.
  4. No permanent classroom. Obviously.
  5. Befriending students from different levels.
  6. Eating alone at lunch because...
  7. Your friends still have class while you're already vacant. Or..
  8. Your friends are already going home and you have to stay at school because you still have a 5pm class.
  9. You know you're screwed up when your professor assigns your class to have a group work, but...
  10. In that way, you'll be more independent. Or no groupmates - Yikes!
  11. You miss your block mates.
  12. When choosing your own subject time it's unavoidable that some of them conflict and...
  13. Because of that, you can enter any sections at any time & your professors have no other choice but to accept you in that class because you're an irregular student.
  14. Cross enrollment....well, don't even get me started on that.
  15. You are forced or somehow required to take summer classes to credit minor subjects so to lessen the subjects you have to take for the next semester.
  16. Last but not the least, wondering if you'll graduate on time with your block mates or graduating later than them. Asking yourself if you'll be a March-ian or October-ian.
Did I miss anything? Share your thoughts below and let's talk about our wonderful irregular college life!


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