January 31, 2017

Letter Series: Turning 21

"Growing older isn't something that you should be troubled or anxious about, for the only gift we truly receive is the sacred blessing of life and for that, we should be truly thankful.'
- David Cunliffe

January 23, 2017

Going to Hell And Back

When after an exhausting day, either from school or work, the only thing that'll come to our mind is what food/s we will have to replete the hungry dinosaurs inside our stomach. And of course, comfort foods like burger and fries are impossible to not be on that list!

January 20, 2017

Why You Should Remove The Toxic People In Your Life

"Remember that those kind of people who hope you'll have (encounter) an accident are the people worth removing from your life. You don't need someone who'll wish you the worst instead of the best. No matter how special they are, they are toxic."

January 5, 2017

Adios, 2 thousand fucking 16

2016 was a memorable year for me because it was a series of non-stop arguments, misunderstandings, self-doubt, numerous disappointments, and losses. Looking back from the start of the year, I remember how I hoped for a better year, new chances and new opportunities, but I should have expected the unexpected because what happened is the opposite of what I anticipated for.