April 23, 2016

Saturday Sharing | Favorite Fonts

Ola, humans! This it is; my first entry for my first blog link-up. Know what is Saturday Sharing here.

For my first entry, I was planning to share about the one thing you need to be able to move on and finally live a happy life. But I forgot where'd I put my notes about that so I have to improvise and think of something I can share. And since I've downloaded new fonts, I thought about sharing my five favorite fonts I currently use on my blog, and will still use. I will also share my five favorite sayings I read every time when I feel like I don't belong in this world.

Nowadays, a lot of trends are arising. We got to admit, society is forcing us to change; we need to be pretty, we need to have long hair, we need to have thick eyelashes, we need to have gaps between our legs, we need to starve ourselves and yet they say we just need to be ourselves. How can it be being ourselves when we are gradually changing ourselves to be accepted in this kind of society? When we only make friends when we have hundreds or thousands of likes or followers? Can likes feed us? Can't we live without likes and followers? If you think about it hard enough, you will realize that the number of likes and followers you have does not and will never define who you are.
Click the link above to download the font.

Was there a point in your life that you feel like your life's going nowhere? Feeling like your life has no purpose? You feel so dull and not interested in everything you do? Don't you think you only feel that way because you're not doing the things you love? The things you definitely know will make you happy in an instant, that just by thinking about it gives you already this absorbed emotion. If that's what you feel, then why continue doing the things you don't really like doing? Re-evaluate your goals and focus on what makes you happy, you wouldn't let yourself die doing the things you know you don't have any fond of, right?
Click the link above to download the font.

I always read this quote when I'm going to try something new. I read it every time I'm afraid to take a big step, and by reading this it already gives me the confidence to give my life a change. Yes, sometimes it is scary but I just ask myself, why would I stay in a place I will definitely not move forward? Am I contented where I am now? Heck, I haven't even finished college yet. So, why would I stop here? Have you heard or read the "There is nothing permanent except change itself." quote? Does it ring a bell? You may read or heard it a couple of times, and you might think this saying is silly but guess what, it is not. Don't be frightened to change. Change happens everywhere and every millisecond of our lives.
Click the link above to download the font.

Growing up, I had no choice but to follow and respect the elderlies decision for myself. But as I grow up also, I started to realize that this is my life. I am in charge of my thoughts and produce my own opinions about things. Why would I let some people be in charge of what should I feel, what should I do, or even what should I say? Why would I depend on my happiness to the people who only think of themselves or their own happiness and not even consider what I would feel? We live in an unfair world, and it's time to finally take care of ourselves and not care about what will people think. People will not stop saying things behind your back. So while they're at it, why not enjoy your life and be ahead of them? Remember, there's a reason why these people are behind you. They are meant for you to leave them behind.
Click the link above to download the font.

There will always be a time where we compare ourselves to others; why they are smarter than us, why they are prettier than us, why do they have this expensive and branded materials and we only have the local ones? If you think about these, then I have one thing to say to you; STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. Although it's unavoidable to compare your lifestyle, your looks, or your materials to other people, we shouldn't be doing this to ourselves. You know what happens inside you when you compare yourself to others? You're slowly shattering yourself! Why are you comparing yourself when you are born unique in this world! They may have something that you don't but don't ever degrade yourself just because they have better things than you do. Focus on the good things that God has given you, appreciate the little things you experience every single day. There's more to life than expensive gadgets and beautiful face, don't ever forget that.
Click the link above to download the font.

Notice how my favorite fonts are all cursive? I don't know about you, but I really like cursive fonts. 

I guess that's about it for my first Saturday Sharing post. Did you have fun reading? I hope you did and somehow the quotes and statements I shared help you when you feel down. Now, I want to read yours! Comment your entry URLs below, I would like to read what you've shared. :)


  1. Hi! Twitter brought me to your blog. Haha. This is nice, btw. Thanks for the font suggestions! :)

  2. Hello! No problem ☺️ Anyway, ever since I followed you on twitter I've been meaning to email you regarding domain name ☺️ I just want to ask [for help! Huhuhu :(((((] something hehe. If that's okay with you? ☺️
