May 13, 2016

Day 12: How Do You Feel About Making Friends Over The Internet.

One fourth of my friends are people I met over the internet. Ever since I started blogging, I met a lot of people over the internet that I realized are not so bad after all. But of course, we still need to be careful and aware that not all those people who use the internet have good intentions. 

The internet is the world full of strangers we don't see directly unless we decide to meet-up with them. Same with clan texting, who remembers being a member of a clan? Well, I did and because of that is how I actually met my boyfriend. Haha! Anyway, I had a few disturbing experience with talking to strangers online, most of them are guys who are looking for hook-ups. Eww, right? But nowadays, social medias themselves are creating an option to automatically block offensive messages. So, kudos on that! 

I'm still following those people I met online, we may not talk every day or as close as before but it feels nice knowing that I stay updated on how they've been or what are they up to these days. 

In our generation, the internet's offering a lot of ways to meet strangers online and it's becoming a common way to interact with them; be it dating or just a place you want to connect with those people who have the same interests as you. But don't ever forget that nothing beats face-to-face interactions and forming a friendship from it.


  1. It's nice to know that someone is compatible with us out there even though we haven't met them in person but there's this anxiety attack of holding ourselves if it's worth it opening ourselves to strangers especially if it's only on screen. Anyway, I always love to have honest conversations with everyone; may it be on the internet or not. Sometimes, I can even sense if the talk ain't genuine in person and I hate it.

    Have a nice day! :)

    Augustin Ra | Indie Spirit

    1. Hi Augustin. Me, too! :) I know if the person I'm talking to is sincere or just want something from me. Although, sometimes it's hard to tell especially if the conversation only takes place over the internet. So, it's better to be careful and think twice before confessing some of our darkest secrets!

  2. Awesome article! People in the internet are wonderful creatures. I myself have met a lot of awesome people online :)

    1. Thank you Lester! :) Well, we are wonderful creatures haha! These people we meet online are just like us, looking for comfort or just looking for a friend. We're lucky if we find the right people for us.

  3. Awesome article! It's just hard to know who would love to be your friends in Internet because we do not know motives of anyone in this virtual world! So, it's better not to provide any personal information to strangers ! Yes I agree with u about face to face conversation is best and that helps you figure out a how s person is!

  4. Internet has it flaws, but exchange and meet people all around the world with different culture is amazing. In my experience, I met online people mostly from videogames. I talked with people from South Africa, England, Netherlands etc, it was for the games and I honestly lost contacts with them. But the ones from my country, I kept a few and it's been years that I still have them in my friends list. Even though we don't talk much as before, like you, it's still nice to update some time to time. But it is also how I met my girlfriend as well, from videogames, and she is the one I keep talking every single time and forever will. Met online and I be moving soon to her country. Internet is an important part of our life, we need accept that. Also the fact that private life isn't much private anymore. The fastest we accept who we are, and how are the others without judging, the fastest it will be better. Internet is fascinating on every aspects, but as you said, we need to avoid toxic people, just like in real life.

  5. I'm very grateful for the friends I am making on internet. By blogging I get to know so many different people and I love that. I used to be a bit afraid of making friends like this. Now I realize it's helpful as well =)

  6. Having friends online has its ups and downs. I think that totally depends on the reason why the other wants to be your friend. We have to be vigilant to those who don't want to do good on us.

  7. I've made online friends through blogging as well. It's nice to personally meet them. It can be harder to ascertain sincerity sometimes though. Despite that it's always great to meet new people.
